(260) 353-3333

Hannah’s House

Bluffton, IN 46714

Phone Number

(260) 353-1006

Hours of Operation

By appointment only

Encouraging women through a 3-6 month focused recovery program to remove barriers & obstacles that substance use and life-controlling issues present.  Empowering women to rise out of past hurts and hangups, equipping them to heal emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, attaining new mindsets for future living.

Hahhah’s House is for women desiring a focused recovery-based programming along with safe housing.  Our home equips up to 7 women along with a house manager for 24/7 care.  Women who live in our home are coming from detox centers, addiction rehabs, incarceration, and those looking for personal recovery and support systems.  There is hope to heal…Hannah’s House.

Hannah’s House recovery program is a 1-year commitment.  Upon completion of Hannah’s House, women will continue their journey to Grace & Mercy Transitional Housing for job training, financial & budgeting guidance, and to pursue viable housing.  Women can be reunited with their dependents based on the availability of a private room for their family while living at Grace & Mercy.

To apply, an application can be found below along with guidelines of the home.  Contact us for more information:  260-353-1006





Services Provided


Living space, utilities, and some furniture.


Taught daily living skills, job training, and budgeting techniques.


Support through classes, mentors, and multiple agencies support system.


Exit plan development and milestones to reaching it.